Ian Nicholson

Non-Executive Director
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Appointment to the Board
May 2024

Experience and expertise
Ian’s career spans 40 years within the life sciences sector. He has board-level experience in public and private companies across licensing, M&A, market development and management in the UK, Europe and the US.

Since 2004, Ian has been chairman of Bioventix plc. He is also operating partner at Advent Life Sciences LLP, working with portfolio companies including Eloxx Pharmaceuticals, Amphista and NeRRe Therapeutics. From 2013 to 2021 Ian was CEO of F2G Ltd and from 2012, he served on the board of Clinigen up to its 2021 US $1.8 billion sale to Triton. Ian was a non-executive director of Consort Medical plc from 2012 up to its sale in 2020 to Recipharm AB for £505 million. Until 2012 he was CEO of Chroma Therapeutics Limited, a drug discovery and development company. 

In the 1990s, Ian was SVP of business bevelopment at Celltech Group plc, then the UK’s largest biotechnology company. 

Current external appointments
Ian is chairman of Bioventix plc, operating partner at Advent Life Sciences LLP and board trustee of LifeArc, a medical research charity.